About Me

Flights of fancy and imagination open me to intriguing possibilities but sometimes might lack of assertiveness and follow-through. Hounded by instincts which at times lead to the pursuit of eccentric whims... ...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fonster's first semester results

For my first semester, I scored 3 Distinctions and 1 Credit:

Business Transactions Law: Distinction (83)

Insurance Law: Distinction (78)

International Commercial Arbitration: Distinction (75)

Law of Business Enterprises: Credit (72)

For a gal who just wanted to pass all her subjects initially, not sure why I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get Distinctions for all my subjects.

Like my mom said, since I have already tried my best, probably I should be satisfied with what I have achieved and not put too much pressure on myself.

My Mom was right (so was my Mentor), I was (in fact, currently I still am) pretty wound up for the whole of 2009, putting too much pressure to achieve the targets and goals that I had set for myself, to the point that I have turned into a 'dull Jill'.

When things didn't turn out the way that I expected, despair and disappointments set in. There had been so many occasions in the last 6 months that I literally broke down. My Mentor has always been my best 'shrink' whenever there was a 'melt-down' situation. For that, I was grateful to Alexander Graham Bell for the invention of telephone.

2009 has not been that a fantastic year for me but it's no doubt an eventful and adventurous one. I think I deserve a pat on my back for hanging on and surviving quite well on my own despite in foreign land.

More changes and challenges to come in 2010 and I told myself to face them bravely and shout:



katiemom said...

OY! When your saw my blogroll.. I quickly clicked into your blog! WA LAO!!! Since when have you been such a smarty smarty??? 3 distinctions le!!! You know, your blogpost hit the nail on the head. The whole of 2009, I felt something was wrong with you. You always seemed very.. sad/upset but I wasn't sure over what. So, I was glad for you to uproot and go. I feel bad that I wasn't there for you this 2009. I am glad things are definitely turning out better for you. You know, sometimes you should just adopt a FUCK IT attitude. If you can meet your goals, you can and good. If you can't, then it's just too bad, but not the end of the world. Go pick up this book called "3 cups of tea" by Greg Mortenson. I havent finished it yet, but it's about a man who tried to climb K2 and failed and was so disapointed but in the end, he found his life was meant for bigger greater things. Sometimes in life, the one up there has planned for failures so that there are better things along the way for you.

gurms said...

Wahzan! 3 Distinctions leh, and the the 72 is almost a 75, almost a Distinction leh. Amazing! Well done. The last time I got a Distinction was my O Levels. These days I just settle for radio contests (I won a turkey two weeks ago!). Hope you ad a nice Xmas and now have a big party for New Year's.