About Me

Flights of fancy and imagination open me to intriguing possibilities but sometimes might lack of assertiveness and follow-through. Hounded by instincts which at times lead to the pursuit of eccentric whims... ...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Omigosh...why again?

Okay, though much less serious as compared to the past but nevertheless I have confirmed that it's a 'Relapse' case...'that's fast' and 'not again' are my thoughts...it's been only 18 months ago that I had the surgery!

Although it's not a life threatening surgical procedure, at this juncture, I am just so not interested to undergo the same surgery again...hopefully it's only a one-time relapse...anyway, it's not life threatening if left untreated either...just let it be for the moment...who knows, it may just go away & not relapsing again..Sleeping is the best antidote...may all the jinxed memories, thoughts and relapses leave me when I wake up tomorrow... It will as long as I believe I can make them leave me...It will...

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